
Migration Guide (to v2)

Docker / Docker Compose / Dirty run

  1. Turn to your bot. Send /export to back up your subscriptions.
  2. (Optional) Back up your /path/to/bot/config/.
  3. Delete /path/to/bot/config/.
  4. Redeploy your bot cleanly. Configure other variables as you need.
  5. Turn to your bot. Send /import to import your subscriptions again.

  1. Turn to your bot. Send /export to back up your subscriptions.
  2. Turn to your Railway project.
  3. (Optional) Back up your Redis database if you know how to do it.
  4. Turn to the Settings page, switch to the Danger tab. Remove the Redis plugin.
  5. Click the Add Plugin button on the bottom left, select Add PostgreSQL.
  6. Turn to the Variables page. Delete the CHATID and DELAY variables. Configure other variables as you need.
  7. Turn to your forked GitHub repository. Switch to the branch you’ve deployed, then click Fetch upstream and Fetch and merge.
  8. Wait for your Railway project to be updated.
  9. Turn to your bot. Send /import to import your subscriptions again.

If you’re using the multiuser branch…

Make sure you switch to the master or dev branch. For Railway, you can do this by switching the deployment triggers (Deployments -> Triggers -> Branches -> add a new trigger and delete the old one) BEFORE START MIGRATING ACCORDING TO THE GUIDE.

If you still would like to limit the bot to serve you only…

Please read the FAQ.